The book of Enoch prophesies a window of time in which the 'Second Coming' would occur and prophesies that there will be 23 Israeli Prime Ministers ruling in 58 terms from AD 1948 to the beginning of the. Ken Johnson (Author, Publisher), Steve Cook (Narrator) 4.7 out of 5 stars. Some of the other writings that got voted out included the Wisdom of Sirach, a stream-of-consciousness, beat poetry approach to. Ancient Book of Enoch Audible Audiobook Unabridged. Estimates vary on the actual dates of authorship. Other portions of the Book of Enoch were found among the Dead Sea Scrolls, which, if youre unfamiliar, are sort of the hip, obscure B-sides of the Bible that didnt make it into the studio edit.

Drawing on a thirty-five-year career as a Christian broadcaster and narrator, Christopher Glyn reads "The Book of Enoch" in a uniquely expressive style that captures the beauty and power of this ancient text, making it clear and easy to understand. Get Book of Jarred too Yeshua, the Morning Star is already visible in the morning sky just above sunrise, like the star of Bethlehem, heralds Yeshuas arrival. It has been kept out of the Bible for a good reason, the names of the evil angel. Audible 86 : 56 : 28 The Book of Enoch Enoch (Author) The Book of Enoch, is an ancient, non-canonical Jewish work.