I'm a proud part of it for many years but I know how hardheaded, or - as I learned from a friend - how NIMBYs can Blenderheads be. All very-very polarized reactions.īut to be completely honest I expected exactly this from our great Blender community :) They are similar to what I got everywhere else too where I shared this. The last thing it should be is flat, like every other 'rebrand' since 2011. Whenever the time is right for a rebrand, I hope it's a worthwhile exercise which encapsulates more than just a logo, such that the new identity showcases the depth and breadth of what is possible and any components of that identity must be created/generated using Blender. Remarks about things being out of date, long overdue serve no useful purpose. If the timeframe is 3-5 years then that's it, start messing with the programme and detracting from what's already in the pipeline you risk destabilising the momentum and focus. The current volume of inward investment shows a level of trust in the way things are being managed and more importantly delivered. Congrats on your recent commission for IKEA, but a logo is not a brand, it is one component of an identity which has many other factors. Back off and let the team focus on development, of which they're doing a great job, not some inane proposal like this which averts that focus. The current design isn't crooked! It's representative of a 3d environment and demonstrates that depth. Are you trying to suggest Blender is bloated? Don't agree that it's long overdue and your proposal looks like fat fingers, everything's overweight.